Total 6건
  • Q. [CAMERA] Why does IMI-TECH use more than one brand of sensors?

    IMI-TECH cameras mostly make use of Sony sensors.
    We have adopted the technologically most appropriate sensors as several manufacturer's sensors have their own strong and weak points.
    When you choose a CMOS sensor, you should take into account the type of its contrivance, resolution, the size of Pixel, the size of sensor color or BW, frame rate, spectrum sensitivity and other technological properties.
  • Q. [CAMERA] How can I find out the very camera I want to have among IMI …

    IMI-TECH digital camera line provides various options including CMOS cameras with 640x480 to 24Mega resolution.
    We have cameras with various sizes of pixel and frame rates, various BW or colors, and multiple form factors.
    If you inquire IMI-TECH of cameras, an expert system designer will discuss your application requirements with you and, as occasion demands, may recommended a particular camera.
    We provide various applications including vision, medical science, ITS, sports analysis, serveillance, thermal imaging, etc.
  • Q. [CAMERA] What influence does the size pixel have on camera?

    Above all, the size of the pixel is proportionate to pixel's surface area which can integrate a camera's sensitivity and the photon of light.
    Most people use micron square pixel, and we manufacture various products with pixel size from 1.2um to 5.86um.
    The product group with larger pixel size has superior efficiency in sensitivity.
  • Q. [CAMERA] Is the camera output GigE, USB3.0 or IP?

    Vision cameras mostly support the interface of GigE or USB3.0. GigE and USB3.0 differs in the number of frames they send per second.
    If you want high speed we recommend USB3.0. If the amount of data the camera sends is within 1 Gigabit, we recommend GigE camera.
    USB3.0 can transmit about 5 Gigabit per second.
    And security area prefers IP type interface. IP is used to compress images(H.264 or H.265) and transmits them to a long distance.
  • Q. [CAMERA] How do these cameras connect to a computer?

    Depending on camera interfaces, cameras connect to a computer through PCI card or port built in PC.
    As for GigE Intel NIC (Network interface card) prevails in markets, more than 8 cameras can connect to a PC.
    Just the same with USB3.0, through USB3.0 PCI card more than 8 cameras can connect to a PC.
    If you use a card fit to interface, you can freely plan to use multiple cameras and think of further escalation.
  • Q. [CAMERA] What determines image quality in a digital camera?

    Image quality starts with the sensor.
    IMI-TECH cameras use excellent sensors from Sony, OnSemi. But the sensor is just the beginning.
    The actual camera design is a high wire balancing act trading off physical size, heat, internal and external noise, channel transfer rate, algorithms and a host of other subtle nuances that can negatively effect ultimate image quality.
    We believe that when you evaluate an IMI-TECH camera, you will be impressed with the image quality that these cameras deliver.
